What benefit would putting Manhacks in citizen hands be, ICly? AI has been established as effective in the game already, so implementation of citizens using manhacks via the arcade would mean a retcon or some other measure to say that this is about destroying rebels more effectively. if i'm going to the union arcade it's probably to win plushies in a claw game I do LIKE elements of the beta but this aint it chief, it was the beta for a reason.

I mean i recall Hoovie specifically saying the manhack arcade didn't exist in the lore, which is one thing i can agree with considering it was just a throwaway level they added in for that GRITTY GRIMDARK effect in the beta, something that doesn't make much sense and was just there to show "COMBINE EVIL" so you know to shoot them i REALLY don't feel like it's something they'd trust civis with, as much as helix is the lenient timeline that just takes it a notch too far for the sake of edge People could also use it to scout out areas for rebels or they could literally just attack civil protection because it's a weapon that you're putting in the hands of random citizen population. It would be ridiculously obvious that it's real life - which, unless you're a sociopath would probably dissuade you from playing - and on top of that it's basically a first person perspective of combine murdering refugees etc which isn't really a public image they'd want to give How are citizens, from an IC perspective, meant to believe that a manhack arcade is anything other than actual drone footage though? i can tell if something is a video game or not pretty easily, and going "the combine have super advanced next gen xbox graphics" would be a copout