Either.- There is something wrong with some of the collars- Because you are godwoken it doesn't have much of a hold over you- It only inhibits certain types of magic.

My impression is that it is one of the following reasons. When you first start out in Divinity: Original Sin 2, your character, along with all potential party members, will have a Source collar. Removing All Source Collars in Divinity: Original Sin 2. In this Build Guide we show you how to make the ultimate Necromancer/Warrior that uses Life Steal to replenish Health and Armour to stay alive while dealing punishing damage. Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide for the Eternal Warrior, otherwise known as the 'Death Knight Perfected' Build. Removes the Source Collar of the main character after completing The Arena of Fort Joy quest, allowing that character to equip amulets.

This is one of the main quests automatically acquired at the beginning of the game. The Collar is a main Quest in Divinity: Original Sin II. Yet I can still cast willy-nilly anything at the start.I've been trying to figure this out myself. Originally posted by:What are collars actually blocking as I thought magic in general was from source.