Httpv://What would new gameplay details be without a handful of screenshots as well? Have a closer look at the amount of options you'll be afforded in ME3's armory, as well as that Reckoning armor unlocked by downloading the Kingdoms of Amalur demo: Most surprisingly, the armor customization is also featured in the trailer along with a look at some of the multiplayer interfaces. Considering the over-simplified weapon system of Mass Effect 2, that should be enough to assuage some fears that talk of RPG depth is just lip service.

Now the newest trailer finally gives an idea of how the individual weapon mods and components will allow players to craft a weapon that suits their own style. The idea of hunching your own Commander Shepard over a work bench and constructing your ideal weapon is one particularly attractive to shooter fans, and something that until now has been little more than a dream. But over the past few years we've seen several examples of so-called 'customizable weapons' with the results ranging from stellar to catastrophic. Since the developers at BioWare have made it extremely clear that the weapons and armor customization are one part of the game they are counting on to appease the RPG/inventory fans of the gaming world. Check armor and weapon customization options off that list, thanks to the new 'Build a Customizable Arsenal' trailer for Mass Effect 3. There certainly won't be any shortage of pomp and circumstance when it does arrive, but there are still large aspects of the game that we have yet to see in detail.

It's safe to say that Mass Effect 3 has already cemented the fact that it more than deserves the title of our most anticipated game of this year.